The company exists for the benefit of the community, to relieve by charitable means, the needs of veterans, blue light services, their families and loved ones and the wider community, who are suffering ill-health, disability, disillusionment, disadvantage or hardship, whether that be economic or otherwise. In particular those suffering with mental health issues, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The company aims to provide a contact and support focal point for the provision of physical, psychological and practical support, advice and encouragement to relieve distress, illness or hardship.
The company’s premises, operate as a clubhouse for the automotive clubs and provide a private and safe environment, where social inclusion is at the heart of everything we do and where no-one is judged.
We provide activities and facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time activities, with the object of improving well-being, self-esteem, self-confidence and aiding transition back into local society and civilian life on an intergenerational level.
We provide educational and vocational skills training and other assistance to create and facilitate job opportunities along with assistance in preparing for and finding employment.